Zenreader: not a replacement for other tools

Zenreader is not a replacement for other tools. Zenreader works alongside Bibliography Management Software with all of its plugins. This should be seen as an additional tool to a researcher's arsenal that is specifically designed to be easy to use & learn, easy to integrate along other tools and extremely powerful.

Zenreader is designed to overcome several challenges that PhD students face during their projects helping them to be successful and deliver on time.

Benefits for PhD supervisions

Several of our users are academics who regularly publish research and have several PhD students working with them. They have found using Zenreader in a collaborative way to boost their productivity and make it easier to discuss literature and projects.

Students research a particular theme or topic as a Zenreader project. During supervisions you can very quickly review how they have tagged and organised evidence from different documents. You can use the Kanban boards to help the student choose what to focus on and together you can quickly identify any gaps or emerging trends/themes.

Academic support & training

As mentioned earlier, developing the right skills and picking the right tools early on in a PhD has a significant impact on completing the PhD successfully and on time.

Our team delivers bespoke training, coaching and mentoring on personal productivity & research topics including:

  • Bibliographic reference management
  • Building a knowledge database
  • Productivity & personal performance techniques & habits
  • Time management
  • Identifying gaps in knowledge, research hypothesis
  • Writing a thesis
  • And of course, training in using Zenreader

All of the training above covers methodology, core habits to develop, best practices and training on the best tools to be really effective in those skills.

We offer training to whole groups or 1-1 coaching.

Contact us directly.